Saturday, November 22, 2008


I was in 11th grade when Kennedy was shot. The now generation will remember the Twin Towers as our genration remembers Nov. 22, 1963. How time goes on and yet seems like yesterday. Those were still good days and are missed.

Yesterday we went to the beach.....shelling. I have collected so many shells, what will I do with them? I already sent some to the Grandkids, gave some to friends with aquariums and shared with my crafty friends. I still have scads. I can't seem to just part with them, each one prettier than the other. I go to the beach and tell myself, no more I will not look for any or just only pick up the most perfect one. Right, their like God's children, each one has something to offer,even the broken ones.

Today as we were coming home from the store(right now I am in Southern Florida) we went through a area that was predominantly Mexican, Latino, I never know what is politically correct to call any culture. I know they are Americans of Mexican ancestry. Anyway, they still have neighborhoods that enjoy each other. They know who lives next to them, they sit in the parks and enjoy each others company. I bet they just gather there, they don't have to make play dates which seems like the latest urban craze. They are so family oriented and look like they are having so much fun. I lived in my neighborhood 12 years and knew 4 other families. How sad.

I hope if anything comes from this economy crunch is that we start visiting family and friends again. Couples get together for parlor( talk about a dated term) games. I hope we start enjoying the free, fun and simple things.

Friday, November 21, 2008


I'm starting this blog with the blessing of my youngest daughter.
She is very computerwise, I am I will call her and call her and call her for advice and have her lead me by the hand, like I did her when she was small. I think I had it easier but with her patience I will plod on
I live in a RV. I sold everything in 2000, home and tons of stuff and hit the road. I never thought I could part with my stuff but now can't remember half the stuff I had now.
It's a free feeling getting rid of"stuff" but I have managed to gather more in this little tin can of a home on wheels. I love my house and will be sad someday when I will have to live in a stix house. I will still love life and adapt but will be sad when that chapter of it is over.
I will use this blog to share my travels but also share my thoughts,hints,sayings,my struggles, my happiness and anything else I feel like will be like my diary that if you want to take a peek, I more then welcome you. I hope to see you here often